Monday, March 22, 2010

Basic paintball tips and tricks.

Well, for our 5th post how about a few field tips, some things that you should remember inside the game in order to play better (won’t make you win every game, but will make a slight difference).

First you must learn what some people call C.P.R. (no you won’t save someone), and it states for Crouch, Prone and Run. Inside the field you must be the one who decides what to do and when to do, you might have a team leader, but he defines the strategy he won’t tell you to go catch nor to roll over, you must learn when to do each trick. In tall grass you might want to crouch so you hide better, but if you want to shoot to outside the grass you might want to prone so it makes it harder for the adversary to spot you. I should tell you that in paintball games I and my friends spend most of the time crouch, behind windows, bushes, or any kind of defense you might find. So, the biggest problem come to run or stay, if you are under fire you much probably won’t be able to run that much so you better don’t try, instead ask a team mate to give some covering fire, and it doesn’t need to be a paint rain, just 2-3 balls to make the enemy hide long enough so you can move from your position.

Covering fire is also a very important a very important thing, because if you don’t help you team mates and vice-versa then you are not a team, you are just a bunch of individuals running towards the same side of the field. Therefore speak, scream to your team mate so he covers you (when I say scream I don’t mean order, I mean ask him to cover you, and if he can’t, he can’t) and tell him where the adversaries are hiding so you are all informed about everyone moves, believe me, in paintball information is more important than fire power.

Last advice but not least, remember that a paintball marker doesn’t have recoil, which means you don’t need to have your arms wide open like using a real gun, just bring them close to the chest, it looking a bit silly but your adversary will have less of you to shoot at. Also (and this is a common error) if you are hiding behind a wall, you don’t need to be as if someone glued you to it, you can move back and create angles of shoot, and this is very useful because in a dark house for example it is harder to see you if you are deeper in the house, and still protected.

I’m very sorry if this one lacks of good images, but I’ll make sure the next one is more colored.

I hope you liked it anyway and keep tuned, cause in the next post I will post something better for the experts who are looking for big games around the world.

Play safe!

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